Craft creative stories

Welcome to VizBox AI

Simplify your fundraising efforts using engaging short-form videos.

VizBox AI - Craft creative ideas using 90 second videos. | Product Hunt


Keep it simple


Elevate your fundraising journey, keep momentum and boost founder-investor engagement for growth.


Built-in privacy features like viewer verification and secure video storage, you can share your virtual pitch with confidence.


Address the feedback gap, leverage advanced sentiment analysis to breakdown quality feedback after virtual pitches.


Compelling Stories

Storytelling is crucial in developing compelling and memorable ideas.

90 second elevator pitch

Experience seamless navigation through concise, high-quality video pitches, ensuring clear content that you can revisit anytime, tailored to address all your concerns efficiently.

Share your ideas

Harness the potential of community-driven innovation by sharing and discovering transformative ideas, similar to Product Hunt, to boost visibility and foster collaboration.

Verified feedback

Gather the data you need to streamline your pitch process with high-impact, short-form video that caters to discerning founders and time-conscious investors, marrying the precision of HR tools with the storytelling power of virtual pitches.


Community Beta

We are currently in beta. Sign up below and we'll notify you when it's ready!

© Mumbo, LLC. All rights reserved.

VizBox AI


No more hunting for emails

Starting any fundraising process from scratch can be daunting for even the most experienced and well-networked founder, but we’re here to help.